The refining plants by OPI GROUP are designed and manufactured according to the customer’s needs and in compliance with anti-pollution regulations.
Acquaregia Gold refining system consists of one or more reactors made of PP, PVDF plastic material or TITANIUM, within which there is a rotating barrel built in the same durable materials; that allows a better dissolution of the alloy also with an hight percentage of silver inside.
Therefore, they are not static installations and allow high performance and a greater effectiveness and efficiency in the dissolution process.
Having a hot processing cycle requires lesser time than a cold processing cycle; combining it with a mobile system allows performing several dissolutions during the day.
The refining plants by OPI GROUP allow working 24 hours a day. The gold refining plant is equipped with: a frame made of AISI304/316 stainless steel, suction points, stair and walking surface with anti-slip resin flooring and Buchner filters. The system also includes an electric panel to control the machine actions and the process during the operation.
Smoke neutralization is implemented with fumes reduction scrubber sized according to customer requirements.
The dimensioning and design of the system, in terms of both quantities to be processed and positioning, will be decided together with the customer.
Acquaregia Gold Refinery MOD. K
- 100%
Il cilindro interno è immerso nel liquido di dissoluzione, il materiale da lavorare non si deposita mai sul fondo del reattore e così facendo non rischia di essere ricoperto dal cloruro d’argento durante la lavorazione (se il materiale è coperto dal cloruro d’argento, il materiale di dissoluzione non si verifica), questo perché sul rotabile sono presenti centinaia di fori che permettono la fuoriuscita del cloruro d’argento, mantenendo il materiale sempre in sospensione mentre la dissoluzione prosegue.
Permette di lavorare grane (popcorn) con un’elevata quantità di argento ed il reattore riscaldato aumenta la velocità di reazione.
Il PVDF è un polimero termoplastico parzialmente fluorurato ad alte prestazioni, caratterizzato da buone caratteristiche di resistenza chimica agli acidi forti e agli ossidanti, elevata solubilità in solventi polari, resistenza ai raggi ultravioletti e campo di applicabilità termica: −40 °C / 140 °C.
Il TITANIO è un elemento metallico ben noto per la sua resistenza alla corrosione, quasi pari a quella del platino, e per il suo elevato rapporto resistenza/peso. È leggero, duro, con bassa densità.
The dimensions are to be considered INDICATIVE and without stairs and/or walkways.
Acquaregia Gold Refinery MOD. RB
- 100%
Questo sistema di affinazione permette di affinare sia grane (popcorn) che per polveri, è facile manutenzione, il modello in Titanio è riscaldabile.
The dimensions are to be considered INDICATIVE and without stairs and/or walkways.
The dimensions are to be considered INDICATIVE and without stairs and/or walkways.
Basic Scrubber
- 100%
The dimensions are to be considered INDICATIVE and without stairs and/or walkways.
Inquartation System
- 100%
INQUARTATION SYSTEM by OPI Group serve to increase the quality of the alloy which will then be treated in the aquaregia refining system through dissolution with nitric acid. The systems are built with steel/titanium reactors and have the possibility of having a ZERO EMISSIONS system thanks to our installed gasometer.
All systems are modular, the customer could choose between different reactor sizes in the same machine.
The dimensions are to be considered INDICATIVE and without stairs and/or walkways.
Gold Electrolysis
- 100%
The precious metals treatment and recovery system by OPI GROUP also includes the Gold Electrolysis process that allows obtaining a fineness of 999.9/1000 Au. Like all our systems, even these ones are sized according to the customer’s needs. The produced smoke is conveyed and neutralized in special smoke reduction towers, appropriately sized. The dimensioning and design of the system, in term of both quantities to be processed and positioning, will be decided together with the customer.
The dimensions are to be considered INDICATIVE and without stairs and/or walkways.
La nostra competenza, la nostra consolidata esperienza e le risorse umane specializzate che compongono il nostro team ci permettono di garantire prodotti di alta qualità e di operare con la massima flessibilità.
Via Europa 45H, 36033 Isola Vicentina (Vi)
+39 0444 557454 SID. M5UXCR1
Cod.Fisc./Part.Iva/Registro Imprese: 04271770242
Cap. Sociale € 10000 – Num. REA 392312