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OPI GROUP offers a wide range of products to reduce the emissions into the atmosphere.
Each reduction tower is proportionate to the customer’s (both practical and structural) needs and to the process that is meant to be performed; They are made of (self-extinguishing) PP/PPs and consist of a (acidic or basic) smoke washing tower, a solution containment tank, one or more solution recirculation pumps and an extractor fan sized according to the tower and to the number of suction points.
The dimensions are to be considered INDICATIVE and without stairs and/or walkways.
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The residual liquids resulting from the refining of precious metals contain various metals (copper, iron, cadmium, nickel, etc.); these solutions require to be properly treated in order to eliminate the heavy metals therein contained thus reducing disposal costs. OPI GROUP offers automated processes for the on-site treatment of affluents. The produced smoke is conveyed and neutralized in special smoke reduction towers, appropriately sized. The dimensioning and design of the system, in term of both quantities to be processed and positioning, will be decided together with the customer.
The dimensions are to be considered INDICATIVE and without stairs and/or walkways.
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The liquid waste resulting from precious metals refining processes contains, in solution, both filler metals of the refined alloys and traces of the same precious metals.
OPI GROUP offers precious metal recovery systems based on physical and chemical techniques that aim for maximum excellence of the result.
The dimensions are to be considered INDICATIVE and without stairs and/or walkways.

La nostra competenza, la nostra consolidata esperienza e le risorse umane specializzate che compongono il nostro team ci permettono di garantire prodotti di alta qualità e di operare con la massima flessibilità.
Via Europa 45H, 36033 Isola Vicentina (Vi)
+39 0444 557454 SID. M5UXCR1
PEC: info@pec.opigroup.it
Cod.Fisc./Part.Iva/Registro Imprese: 04271770242
Cap. Sociale € 10000 – Num. REA 392312